Jack King-Spooner discusses seeing the human behind the art and the over-Americanization of culture

Jack King-Spooner (he/him) is my guest on episode 5 of Kritiqal Care. We discuss the importance of seeing the people behind art, how queer has evolved (and is still evolving) from a derogatory term to one of self acceptance, and the way our desire to find a "silver-lining" in all of this might be blinding us to the real pain caused by the pandemic.

Jack King-Spooner (he/him) is my guest on episode 5 of Kritiqal Care. We discuss the importance of seeing the people behind art, how queer has evolved (and is still evolving) from a derogatory term to one of self acceptance, and the way our desire to find a "silver-lining" in all of this might be blinding us to the real pain caused by the pandemic.

Jack is on Twitter @king_spooner and his games are available on Steam and itch.io.

Jack's Good Thing to Share
Looking out for one another
Herbie Mann, Memphis Underground
Marcel Duchamp, 1956 Interview

Things Discussed
Anna Antrhopy
Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts.