Zero Context 9: the panty room

Dark blue background with the words "Zero Context" overlaid. A large 9 sits inside a distressed red square.

After weeks locked in the Virtue’s Last Reward lounge, Axe and Nathalie finally step through the 9 door, only to discover a barren desert awaiting them. With nowhere left to go, they ponder the broken logic of the prisoner’s dilemma, why they have all these gold files, and who gets to use the big rock. Before fully crumbling under the weight of so much cursed knowledge, they stumble upon a transmitter and receive a message from what remains of the outside world.

Next time on Zero Context
Return to the first [Yellow] door AB game and vote [Ally] -> Choose the [Red] door -> Vote [Betray] -> Return to the second AB game and vote [Ally]

Things Discussed
- Voice actor corner: Dio (JP: Yoshimasa Hosoya; EN: Liam O'Brien)
- Destroying the prisoner’s dilemma with facts and time travel
- Tracking Uchikoshi’s choice making
- Eating three fish a day
- Drinking acid water from the genocide facility
- Math Blaster is a death game
- Merriam-Webster’s Gold File Dictionary
- I guess there’s cults now
- Dio’s deflated possibility space
- Digital root of the bomb code
- A second, smaller nonary game
- The sad shadow of 999
- Addressing our listener’s burning questions

Intro: “Virtue’s Last Reward ~Piano~” by Shinji Hosoe
Outro: “Demise” by Shinji Hosoe

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