Zero Context 10: secreting secrets

Content warning: suicide plays a central role in Virtue’s Last Reward and is discussed briefly in episode.

After a brief taste of freedom, Axe and Nathalie plunge back into Virtue’s Last Reward, running headfirst into a lock before much of anything happens. Desperate to move on and (hopefully) get some answers, they fumble through a poorly arranged lab, detail the mathematical effects of Radical-6, and once again wish better for Clover. Exhausted and possibly infected with anime sickness, they close out the episode struggling to think of any reason to put cults in videogames.

Next time on Zero Context
Choose the [Yellow] door -> vote [Ally] -> Choose the [Blue] door -> Vote [Betray] for a game over -> Return to the AB game and vote [Ally] -> Vote [Betray] for a game over -> Return to the AB game and vote [Ally]

Things Discussed
- Voice actor corner: Quark (JP: Rie Kugimiya; EN: Erin Fitzgerald)
- What route?
- Daddy Sigma
- Being bad at Survivor
- The Mustache Laboratory
- Not so rad Radical-6
- Category:Video games about cults
- Getting virtue pilled
- Amélie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001)

Intro: “Virtue’s Last Reward ~Piano~” by Shinji Hosoe
Outro: “Demise” by Shinji Hosoe

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