Zero Context 1: is podcasting a death game?

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Welcome to episode 1 of Zero Context, where we kick off our Zero Escape playthrough with the trilogy’s first game, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (Chunsoft, 2009). We dive headfirst into the game’s lore-heavy exposition, speculate on how 999 fits within the death game media landscape, and, like all good podcasts, issue some corrections from episode 0.

Next Time on Zero Context
The Sub Route, via doors 5 -> 3 -> 2

Things Discussed
What is 999?
- Why we are only playing the DS version
- How this show will be structured.
- Nothing in 999 will be as good as the ship creaking sounds.
- Ludonarrative calculator dissonance.
- Unsolved Anime Mysteries.
- June is immediately the weirdest character.
- In defense of hot girls doing crimes.
- Seven, the unfortunate pervert.
- Clover’s philosophy corner.
- Junpei’s vote manipulation.
- Missed murder math opportunity .
- Complicating player agency.
- Visual novel porn poisoning.
- Santa’s Santa crisis.
- Cool DS hardware specific design choices.
- What is the point of the death game?

Intro: “9hours, 9persons, 9doors” by Shinji Hosoe
Outro: “Quietus” by Shinji Hosoe

Transcripts will (hopefully) be available for future episodes.

Zero Context is produced by Axe Binondo (@wing_blade_) with episode art by Nathalie (@BOOitsnathalie).

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