Fantasia Malware paints landscapes of hell

Kritiqal Care episode 57, featuring Fantasia Malware

Fantasia Malware - comprised of Jira Trello (she/her), Chloê Langford (she/her), and Gabriel Helfenstein (he/him) - are an experimental game label specializing in mega-maximalist un-game performance art. They crowded into KRITIQAL’s digital podcast booth to discuss grotesque beauty, games as instruments, and creating art that can’t be wiki-fied. Later, they recommend birds.

You can learn more about Fantasia Malware and subscribe to their mailing list on their website. Jira also hosts the podcast, New Genesis Online.

Fantasia Malware’s cool things to share
Jira: “somewhere between the 8th and 9th floor” by aya
Chloê: the Merlin bird identification app and Australian birds (especially these ones)
Gabriel: Super Bogus World (hubol, 2011)

Things Discussed
The Orchid Collector (Fantasia Malware, 2020)
The Life of Saint Fiona Bianco Xena (Fantasia Malware, 2021)
Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures (Outlands, 2022)
AAA Software
What I thought was a Yahoo Answers question about Minecraft but was actually a Steam forums thread about Her Story.

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nathalie, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one and supporting Kritiqal on Ko-Fi.