Hyacinth Nil explores morality systems at the end of the world

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Indie game dev and co-found of Abyssal Uncreations, Hyacinth Nil (they/them) makes games about cosmic horror, broken technology, and how the internet manufactures identity. They took some time to walk me through their early efforts of longform LARPs as a kid, looking back on Transfer (Abyssal Uncreations, 2017), and the ways systematized morality reveals the empty politics of many games.

You can follow Hyacinth on Twitter @Synodai, play their games on itch, and catch their streams on Twitch.

Hyacinth’s Good Thing to Share
Building small communities online within the noise of social media (come hangout in the Kritiqal Discord)

Link Zone
The Tower (Hyacinth Nil, 20??)
Silent Hill 3 (Konami, 2003)
Killing Time at Lightspeed (Gritfish, 2016)
No Higher Court: Towards a Methodology for Designing Alternative Morality Systems in Games

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one and becoming a supporter on Patreon. It means a lot.