Kaile Hultner reminds us there is No Escape from video games

Episode 31 (Horizontal).png

Kaile Hultner (they/them) created No Escape as a response to games media pretending video games are exempt from politics. They write about games as cultural objects, journalistic ethics, and the need to engage with the economic and labor forces which bring games about. Kaile joins me on this episode to dive into their philosophy of how to write about games, the need for games journalists to adopt ethics standards, and how good it is that you can pet the eagle in The Pathless (Giant Squid, 2020). It’s a longer episode, but well worth the time.

You can follow Kaile on Twitter @noescapevg and checkout their work at noescapevg.com.

Things Discussed
No-Year’s Resolution (Kaile Hultner, 2020)
There Is No Ethical Ambiguity When It Comes To Harm Reduction (Kaile Hultner, 2020)
Video game criticism in an age of conflict (Kaile Hultner, 2020)
Fuck the next Call of Duty game (Kaile Hultner, 2020)
‘Assemble With Care’ and the Right to Repair (Kaile Hultner, 2020)
On Videogame Reviews (Tevis Thompson, 2013)
The Myth of Sisyphus (Albert Camus, 1942)
The Shape of Videogames To Come (Tara Hillegeist, 2019)
Games Criticism Is A Kindness (Heather Alexandra, 2020)

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one. It means a lot.

Kaile Hultner (they/them) created No Escape as a response to games media pretending video games are exempt from politics. They write about games as cultural objects, journalistic ethics, and the need to engage with the economic and labor forces which bring games about.